Strategic Consulting, Great Results
Our offering takes advantage of advances in Big Data and Analytics, the ability to link people, things and businesses with Cloud Platform, and technologies such as machine learning to enable IoT and Industry 4.0 strategies across digital logistics, manufacturing and asset management. We help business comply with emerging standards and enable them to use smart tracking to address issues such as counterfeiting, diversion, making the supply safer and boosting product availability. We help companies become more competitive through improved insights, better visibility and automated intelligence.
Data will lose its value if its origin cannot be traced and the environment in which it was collected is not understood.
Without reliable, accurate data, even the most advanced systems can falter, leading to inefficiencies and missed opportunities. Ensuring data integrity and consistency is crucial for harnessing the full potential of real-time data, automation, and AI. This means investing in robust data management practices and technologies to clean, validate, and maintain data quality. Using reliable registries to verify data can prove invaluable to setting up the foundation for success.
  • Warehouse

    Interface with ERP systems from cloud database

    Status monitoring of assets, parcels, and people in real time

    Associate global positioning system (GPS)-based tracking with other transactional data

    Apply analytics to identify wider improvement opportunities and best practices

  • Delivery operation 

    Real time location on racks and pallets for pick

    Visual of the entire inventory at any given point in time

    Multi-level view including in-transit and at-rest inventory

    Preventing costly out-of-stock situations. Sensors alert the item’s exact location for corrective action

    Dynamic reallocation of inventory

  • Customer

    IPhone app based authentication of purchase,

    Checkout optimization, Autopay – no checkout

    In-store guidance for shoppers,

    Mobile payments, including Apple Pay,

    Analytics-driven approach that applies intelligence to the context of the consumer.

Change Management
While potential business benefits are significant like, real-time decision making, better asset management and increased compliance, harvesting them requires more than simple technology implementations.
This offering helps provide information on demand and address critical business needs:

  • Being compliant with Regulation everywhere,
  • innovating by creating new intelligence to identify business opportunities,
  • improving efficiency,
  • making better use of information for improved decision making.

We operate in 3 phases:

  • Strategy and planning required for implementing Track and Trace,
  • Recognition of decisions required in the proceeding phases (Business Value Analysis),
  • Implementation.

AndVista 's biggest differentiator is our capacity to mobilise an ecosystem of experts in each aspect of your traceability project: cGMP auditors, certification organisms, specialised lawyers in international legislations and regulations, technology experts and project management professionals...